Step 1: Collect Tank


We used a 55 Gallon tank that measured 48Lx12Wx18D. We aquired this tank with Under Gravel Filter used for $50


Step 2: Place UGF


Place the UGF filter plates with uplift tubes on the bottom of the aquarium


Step 3: The PowerHead


We purchased 2 Hagen AquaClear Powerhead 402 from DrsFostersmith, which were placed on top of the uplift tube with the help of the Powerhead adapter


Step 4: Pour the Rocks


Stole 2 larger rocks from apartment landscaping, and poured 45lbs of Top Fin Premium Quality Aquarium Gravel


Step 5: Water Gardening


Added a piece of resin driftwood and three plastic plants that were previously siliconed to rocks and left on the bare bottom tank


Step 6: Fill 'er Up


Used the Python to fill the tank to above the power head so that they can be used in the reverse flow method


Step 7: Turtle Wallpaper


We chose a background that has a matte finish, which doesn't photograph well. We taped it to the tank with Scotch Tape


Step 8: Basking Island


Put floating basking area in place, this thing is well used but doesn't stay put


Step 9: Light and Heat


Placed the UVB florescent light and the reptile basking light above the basking island


Step 10: Invasion


Place turtle and fish into new decorated home, watch everybody freak out for ten minutes as they have no idea where they are